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Reports and Outcomes

Policy Recommendations by Horizon2020 Sustainable Cultural Tourism Projects

Six of the H2020 funded projects (IMPACTOUR, SPOT, SmartCulTour, TExTOUR, INCULTUM, Be.CULTOUR) convened in Lisbon (UNINOVA premises) on July 5th, 2022 under the coordination of UNINOVA, to share research results and common experiences in the evaluation, management and development of Cultural Tourism across European regions with the objective to provide recommendations to the EU policy making authorities.

SPOT Executive Summary February 2021.

This document is a summary of the project and is an annex to the First Periodic Report part B (the period covered by the report: from 01 January 2020 to 31 December 2020).

Cultural tourism: empirical data and survey outcomes
Cultural tourism: empirical data and survey outcomes

Analytical report and critical academic literature review of cultural tourism practices and theories in Europe.

This is a Common Report on the understanding of Cultural Tourism and Europeanisation with special reference to landscape values.

Report on statistical data SPOT

Work Package 1 is mainly concerned with documenting the case study areas of the 15 SPOT partners by developing quantitative and qualitative indicators at national, regional and local levels which are appropriate for understanding the role of cultural tourism.

Statistical data collected in the case studies of the SPOT report - dataset

Statistical data was collected for fifteen case studies in the context of the SPOT project, funded by the European Commission within the framework programme Horizon 2020.

Report on the results of surveys for tourists, residents and entrepreneurs in the case studies

Work Package 1 is mainly concerned with documenting the case study areas of the 15 SPOT partners by developing quantitative and qualitative indicators at national, regional and local levels which are appropriate for understanding the role of cultural tourism.

Results of SPOT surveys for tourists, residents and entrepreneurs in the case studies - dataset

This is a dataset of three surveys conducted within the scope of the SPOT project. The purpose of this dataset is to provide the results of the surveys for tourists, residents and entrepreneurs of the fifteen participating case studies. 

Cultural tourism and lessons from good practices across case study regions

The main body of this report presents a selection of 20 examples of good practice in cultural tourism as identified and documented in the SPOT project.

Cultural tourism: strategies, policies, practices

First review-report on policies on cultural tourism in 15 countries participating in SPOT study

This is a framework report on Policies, Practices and Strategies. All partners have contributed material used in the production of the report which is described in the Work Programme as D2.1....

​Cultural tourism: strategies, policies, practices

Summary Report on Stakeholder Involvement

This report follows Report D2.1 Policies, Practices and Strategies. That initial report set out the policy framework for each of the Case Studies, examining national, regional and local strategies and influences.

Summary Report of impact evaluations of cultural tourism on target areas

One of the SPOT project tasks was to collect comparative information on several themes. These themes are not directly part of the quantitative data collection but are a requirement for project reporting.

Summary Report on the role of cultural tourism in the development of place identities

We collected comparative data across the different case studies to put together a summary report.

Policy Briefs and Guidelines related to the development of cultural tourism in Europe.

Synthesis of policies, practices and strategies at the regional (case study) level

SPOT-IT: a GIS based development tool
SPOT-IT: a GIS based development tool

Beta version (for testing) and final published version of SPOT-IT, which stands for an innovative web-based GIS tool to support the planning, development and decision-making in various field of cultural tourism.

SPOT e-Newsletters and other dissemination matters

SPOT Setting up the project website

The objective of D4.1 is to set up and launch SPOT project website at

SPOT e-Newsletters and other dissemination matters

SPOT Electronic newsletter I

We are pleased to share the first newsletter of the EU funded project SPOT, which aims to develop a new approach to understanding and addressing cultural tourism and to promote development of disadvantaged areas....

SPOT Electronic Newsletter II

We are pleased to share the first newsletter of the EU funded project SPOT, which aims to develop a new approach to understanding and addressing cultural tourism and to promote development of disadvantaged areas....

SPOT Electronic Newsletter III

We are pleased to share the first newsletter of the EU funded project SPOT, which aims to develop a new approach to understanding and addressing cultural tourism and to promote development of disadvantaged areas....

Setting up of an international cross-platform web-based Resource Center for the development of Cultural Tourism in Europe.

SPOT Web-based Resource Centre_Technical Guide

SPOT Dissemination report

The objective of D4.7 is to disseminate project findings, news, good practices to both academic and non-academic audiences (including social media)...

SPOT Dissemination report II.

The objective of D4.8 is to disseminate project findings, news, good practices to both academic and non-academic audiences (including social media)...

SPOT Dissemination report III.

The objective of D4.8 is to disseminate project findings, news, good practices to both academic and non-academic audiences (including social media)...

SPOT Dissemination report VI.

The objective of D4.8 is to disseminate project findings, news, good practices to both academic and non-academic audiences (including social media)...

Project and consortium
Project and consortium

SPOT Data Management Plan

The objective of D5.4 (the Data Management Plan) is to describe what data the SPOT project will collect and proceed, whether and how it will be exploited or made accessible for verification and reuse and...

SPOT Policy Briefs

Spot Policy Brief


SPOT Policy report I.

This document is created as deliverable D5.5 Policy Report 1. It contains a series of Policy Briefs that present the main findings and practical outcomes of the EU-funded research project SPOT.

SPOT Policy report II.

This document is created as deliverable D5.6 Policy Report 2 and it follows on from the previous deliverable D5.5 Policy Report 1, in which Policy Briefs 1 – 6 are listed.

SPOT publications on Zenodo

SPOT H2020 on Zenodo

All files about the SPOT H2020 on Zenodo page.

SPOT publications on Zenodo
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