Reports and Outcomes
Policy Recommendations by Horizon2020 Sustainable Cultural Tourism Projects
Six of the H2020 funded projects (IMPACTOUR, SPOT, SmartCulTour, TExTOUR, INCULTUM, Be.CULTOUR) convened in Lisbon (UNINOVA premises) on July 5th, 2022 under the coordination of UNINOVA, to share research results and common experiences in the evaluation, management and development of Cultural Tourism across European regions with the objective to provide recommendations to the EU policy making authorities.
Cultural tourism: empirical data and survey outcomes
Report on the results of surveys for tourists, residents and entrepreneurs in the case studies
Work Package 1 is mainly concerned with documenting the case study areas of the 15 SPOT partners by developing quantitative and qualitative indicators at national, regional and local levels which are appropriate for understanding the role of cultural tourism.
Results of SPOT surveys for tourists, residents and entrepreneurs in the case studies - dataset
This is a dataset of three surveys conducted within the scope of the SPOT project. The purpose of this dataset is to provide the results of the surveys for tourists, residents and entrepreneurs of the fifteen participating case studies.
Cultural tourism: strategies, policies, practices
SPOT-IT: a GIS based development tool
SPOT e-Newsletters and other dissemination matters
SPOT Setting up the project website
The objective of D4.1 is to set up and launch SPOT project website at