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Resource Centre

Good practices

Good practices

The library of good practices from our case study areas is intended to provide guidance for those that seek to improve the success of cultural tourism development projects. From good practices on cooperation to sustainable development of cultural tourism explore our best practices and gain insight into successful cultural tourism development programs.

Bicycle in Europe

A Meeting with Great Moravia

The aim of the project:

Deep learning and popularization of a relatively challenging topic through the methods of theater education, living history and cognitive tourism.


history, culture, Great Moravia, presentation, education

Bicycle in Europe


The aim of the project:

The centenary main objective is the dissemination and study of Fenoglio’s writings through twelve months of appointments in which literature will merge with theatre, music, history, and visual art to best celebrate the memory and work of a writer.


cultural tourism, literary tourism, writer, intangible heritage, centenary, cultural events

Bicycle in Europe

CULTPLAY – Interactive Thematic Parks

The aim of the project:

Comprehensive aim of the project is to increase the attractiveness of the KomarnoKomárom cross border area by innovative usage of the local cultural heritage. Strategic goal of the project is
to involve residents and tourists in the new and active way utilization of cultural heritage.


culture, playground, history

Bicycle in Europe

Culture Walk Ljubljana (orig. in Slovene: “Korak do kulture”)

The aim of the project:

Culture walk Ljubljana is a national and local poster campaign placed on various locations (mostly in Ljubljana) to invite and guide passers-by to visit the cultural offer in Ljubljana. Due to the proximity of institutions, the campaign encourages walking in the city. The poster contains a map with illustrations of cultural buildings and a QR code that opens the online map with locations on the Google maps application. In addition to the locations, the map also contains the current program of the located institutions and the provisional time you need to walk to an individual cultural institution.


promotion, cultural institution, city walk, Ljubljana, Google maps, city poster

Bicycle in Europe

ForHeritage project: Excellence in heritage management in Central Europe

The aim of the project:

increasing the impact of previously funded projects about cultural heritage with promoting integrated heritage management engaging communities


cultural heritage, management, participation, implementation

Bicycle in Europe

Gallery Cukrarna

The aim of the project:

renewal and revitalization of the abandoned historical building and its area as a way of spreading Ljubljana’s city centre


urban renewal, cultural monument, cultural tourism, contemporary art, exhibition gallery

Bicycle in Europe


The aim of the project:

The Cluster’s mission is to support its partners’ capability and offer the best tourism service.


tourism cluster, collaboration

Bicycle in Europe

In the Footsteps of St. Cyril and Methodius from Dražovce via Zobor to Nitra

The aim of the project:

Getting to know and promote historical topics with the help of methods such as “school in nature” and “school at historical monuments”, as well as with the help of methods of cognitive tourism, which implement experiential education.


Wandering, historical monuments and areas, experiential education

Bicycle in Europe

Ljubljana breakfast, part of the project ROBUST: Rural-Urban Outlooks: Unlocking Synergies (Horizon 2020)

The aim of the project:

The project addresses policies, management systems and practices which contribute to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth on local and regional administrative levels. The aim of the project is to create a model of cooperation and management that can be transferred go different contexts. As part of the project, the Regional Development Agency deals with the topic of sustainable food systems according to the system of short chains in the Ljubljana urban region. One of the outputs of the project is “Ljubljana breakfast” which aims to shorten the journey from growers to the table.


culinary, local produce, traditional breakfast, local food suppliers

Bicycle in Europe

Moravian Wine Trails

The aim of the project:

Moravian Wine Trails is a long-term project to protect the cultural heritage and
develop wine tourism in the South Moravian region.


wine, cycling, trails

Bicycle in Europe

Nitra, Dear Nitra - Conference

The aim of the project:

1. A reminder of our shared historical roots, importance of archaeological, historical and spiritual sources documenting the beginnings of Slavic settlements, the heyday of Great Moravia, traditions of Cyril and Methodius and the post-Great Moravian history of the region in the form of lectures for experts and the general public.
2. Development of cooperation between the archaeological, cultural and ecclesiastical stakeholders and public administration.


scientific result, presentation, Slavic settlements, scientific and lay public

Bicycle in Europe

One ticket for eleven museums and galleries: a joint summer action of museums and galleries of Ljubljana

The aim of the project:

The main aim of the project is to attract domestic visitors to visit at least one or more museums or galleries in Ljubljana by offering a more affordable price of only ticket.


museums and galleries, joint activities, domestic tourists, promotion campaign

Bicycle in Europe


The aim of the project:

The Rohkunstbau art festival shows current forms of visual expression in art as a project beyond the traditional art


exhibition, visual arts, galery, modern art, castle

Bicycle in Europe


The aim of the project:

comprehensive reconstruction and expansion of the formerly neglected Star Fortress
and its surrounding in Komárom


cultural heritage, cultural tourism

Bicycle in Europe

THE ZOBOR HILLS Educational Trail

The aim of the project:

To allow tourists to virtually visit nature reserves (NPR Zobor Steppe, Žibrica Nature Reserve) and cultural monuments (NKP Dražovce Church, NKP Zobor Monastery, NKP Zobor Fort, NKP Žibrica Fort). Technology allows us to virtually visit these sites from the comfort of our homes or use the information as a tourist guide directly in the area.


educational trail, multimedia guide, nature, history, education

Bicycle in Europe

V-KULTUR: Vrednotenje ponudbe kulturnega turizma v Ljubljani (ENG: Evaluating the offer of cultural tourism in Ljubljana)

The aim of the project:

evaluating cultural offer in Ljubljana, in most part specifically oriented towards the disadvantaged groups of visitors such as elderly, younger population and young families


cultural tourism, disadvantaged groups, cultural visitor

Bicycle in Europe

’100 buildings - 100 stories Places, people and digital storytelling’

The aim of the project:

The historic city of Hermoupolis is rich in architectural heritage, much of which is endangered or decaying. The key idea behind 100 buildings/100 stories is that to preserve their value, buildings need people. Beyond the technical conservation of a building, the local community can keep heritage alive by recognising and sharing its qualitative value: the stories it tells. The challenge of 100 stories/100 buildings was to make citizens aware of the vulnerability of their built heritage and encourage them to engage in its preservation


cultural heritage, community engagement, cultural tourism

Bicycle in Europe


The aim of the project:

Abbotsford is found on the Scottish Borders, a sparsely populated and under-touristed area. It lies between the de-industrialised city of Galashiels and the scenic village of Melrose with its medieval Abbey ruins.



Bicycle in Europe

CINTRAN — Carbon Intensive Regions in Transition — Unravelling the Challenges of Structural Change

The aim of the project:

Studying the dynamics of decarbonisation.


just transition, carbon-free economy

Bicycle in Europe

Casas Singulares (Singular Houses)

The aim of the project:

To explain the history and heritage of Catalan culture and architecture through tours of some of the homes that make up this history.


tourism, cultural heritage, history

Bicycle in Europe

Cyril and Methodius Festivities in Bojná

The aim of the project:

The aim is to bring the visitors closer to the history and creation of our national and territorial identity, as well as to experience the “Great Moravian life”. The program is focused strictly on the Early Middle Ages – the greatest glory and fall of Great Moravia. The cooperation between the Czech Republic and Slovakia in organizing the event has become one of the main priorities in the previous years of the festival. This participation consists mainly in the creation of the program by individual performers (period groups and historical companies) and the mutual cooperation between them.


festival, presentation of history, authentic environment

Bicycle in Europe

Forget Heritage: Innovative, replicable and sustainable Private Publix Cooperation management models of the abandoned historical sites by setting up Cultural and Creative Industries

The aim of the project:

analysing social and especially spatial impacts of urban tourism in two selected cities in Slovenia


urban tourism, spatial impact, social impacts, management

Bicycle in Europe

Good practices of cultural tourism in the Cyclades

The aim of the project:



Syros, Santorini, Andros

Bicycle in Europe


The aim of the project:

“In Vigna Open-air Museum” aims to display the life of the vineyard, in-between harvests taking visitors through an emotional and educational journey along the vine rows, immersed in the “Vigna del Conte”.


cultural heritage, open-air museum, UNESCO site, wine tourism

Bicycle in Europe

KOMBIBIKE – Public bike rental system

The aim of the project:

The aim of the project: to set up an international public bike rental system in the Slovakian-Hungarian cross
border area, near Komarno-Komarom


sustainable tourism, cross border cooperation, mobility, culture, cultural tourism

Bicycle in Europe


The aim of the project:

Museumsverbund Steirische Eisenstrasse (Museum Association Styrian Ironroute)


cultural institutions, cultural marketing, cultural management

Bicycle in Europe

Musica Nostra Nitriensis - international music festival

The aim of the project:

Through classical music and top performers, to approach some interesting architectural monuments in Nitra and its surroundings in a different way, taking into account the historically significant personalities that lived there.


Music festival, architecture, non-traditional concert venues, history, personalities of Nitra

Bicycle in Europe

Nitra, Dear Nitra - Exhibitions

The aim of the project:

1. A reminder of our shared historical roots, importance of archaeological, historical and spiritual sources documenting the beginnings of Slavic settlements, the heyday of Great Moravia, the traditions of Cyril and Methodius and the post-Great Moravian history of the region in the form of exhibitions for experts and the general public.
2. Development of cooperation between the archaeological, cultural and ecclesiastical stakeholders and public administration.
To reach the widest possible audience and present new and interesting knowledge in the field of archeology, history and cultural heritage.


history, archaeological finds, presentation, general public

Bicycle in Europe

Open Day at the Nitra Castle

The aim of the project:

The main goal of the project is to promote the work and legacy of St. Cyril and Methodius in our territory. Since Nitra and its castle was one of the centers of power in the Great Moravian Empire, the project seeks to make the sources relating to the 9th century, work of St. Cyril and Methodius, but also their legacy and followers, available to the general public.


history, Nitra Castle, power center, presentation, monuments

Bicycle in Europe


The aim of the project:

Holding a post-industrial festival for regional impulse


re-design, event, culture, industrial space, participation, vacancy, co-creation

Bicycle in Europe


The aim of the project:

The aim of the project: comprehensive reconstruction and expansion of the formerly neglected Star Fortress
and its surrounding in Komárom


culture, history, tourism, Urban sustainable development

Bicycle in Europe

Three Centuries of Life in the Łomnica Castle

The aim of the project:

1. Establishment of the Silesian Court Museum at the Great Palace in Łomnica, through renovation and
reconstruction of the facility;
2. Making the historic building available for sightseeing for individual and group tourists;
3. Creation of a modern permanent multimedia exhibition in the museum „Three Centuries of Life in
the Łomnica Castle”;
4. Increasing the tourist attractiveness of the entire palace and farm complex in Łomnica;


palace, museum

Bicycle in Europe
The aim of the project:

The project aims to promote literary places (places of life and places mentioned in books) to create more awareness both in public and in residents.


website, cultural tourism, writers, intangible heritage

Bicycle in Europe

Abenteuer Erzberg

The aim of the project:

Experiencing authentic mining of the past and present


industrial location, tourism attraction, industrial heritage

Bicycle in Europe

COE in Tourism Innovation

The aim of the project:

The COE in Tourism Innovation is an initiative shared between public and private sectors to promote innovation, sustainability, and competitiveness of destinations and companies through applied research activities, innovation, knowledge transfer, and competitive intelligence services.


tourism, innovation, sustainability, centers

Bicycle in Europe

Celemantia – Limes Romanus knocking on UNESCO´s door

The aim of the project:

In recent years, local governments of Iža and Almásfüzitő have made serious efforts
to nurse the history of the settlements. First steps of the investments were constructed in frame of a former
project. The project aims to develop cultural and creative tourism by extending and developing the already
existing interesting and interactive institutions in order to attract more tourists.


natural and cultural heritage, cultural tourism, art

Bicycle in Europe

Experiential events at the Zobor Monastery

The aim of the project:

To present the historical places, legends and life of Cyril and Methodius


history, Cyril and Methodius, Great Moravia, Zobor Monastery, experiential education

Bicycle in Europe

Free Federal Republic of Kraví hora (Cow Hill)

The aim of the project:

To promote tourism in the micro-region


wine tourism, municipal activities, South Moravia

Bicycle in Europe


The aim of the project:

Construction of the Heideradweg (approx. 25 kilometers) in the Lieberoser Heide as a contribution to networking the region


cycle path, Networking the region, Recreation

Bicycle in Europe


The aim of the project:

“Io vengo di là” is a new online format produced by the Fondazione Cesare Pavese that offers a different way to enjoy culture, during the Covid-19 period while the museums were closed.


cultural tourism, literary tourism, writer, intangible heritage, tourism digitalization

Bicycle in Europe


The aim of the project:

The aim of the project was to make the UNESCO site Vineyard Landscape of Piedmont: Langhe-Roero and Monferrato accessible to all people interested into their values and into the different aspects that characterise the cultural landscape, according to the “accessibility chain” approach and universal and inclusive design.
Partners: Association for the Wine Landscapes of Langhe-Roero and Monferrato Heritage, Ministry of cultural heritage and activities and tourism (MIBACT - Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo); Association of Piedmont Banking Foundations (Associazione delle Fondazioni di Origine Bancaria del Piemonte).


cultural heritage, UNESCO site, landscape, accessibility, inclusiveness

Bicycle in Europe

MESTUR: Analysis and management of the spatial and social impacts of urban tourism in Ljubljana and Maribor

The aim of the project:

analysing social and especially spatial impacts of urban tourism in two selected cities in Slovenia


urban tourism, spatial impact, social impacts, management

Bicycle in Europe

National Festival of Christian Theater Gorazdov Močenok

The aim of the project:

Professionally evaluate the most successful non-professional theater performances in the field of Christian theater in Slovakia, show respect for St. Gorazd and Cyril and Methodius and their tradition, highlight the Močenok – Nitra tourist trail and the Močenok - Trnava cycling trail.


festival, spiritual themes, non-professional Christian theater ensembles

Bicycle in Europe

Nitra, Dear Nitra... Pribina and Cyril and Methodius Festivities

The aim of the project:

These festivities are one of the concrete ways to develop the activities aimed at boosting the interest in own history. It is a decisive factor in cultivating the relationship to one's own history - ignite the spark, make history attractive, provide the opportunity to symbolically "experience" significant historical achievements through the methods and forms of current life trends, and let the historical personalities “rise” from professional collections and publications. Engage the general public and popularize scientific facts related to the Great Moravian issues


Nitra, cultural heritage, scientific result, experiential form

Bicycle in Europe

Pribina's Nitrawa

The aim of the project:

To present the life of Cyril and Methodius and show period crafts, skills and everyday life in the early Middle Ages in an attractive format of experiential and cognitive tourism by means of a historical festival with "living history".


history, crafts, life in the Middle Ages

Bicycle in Europe

STAR Cities: Sustainable Tourism for Attractivity of Riverside Cities

The aim of the project:

better development and delivery of regional and local governments policies


riverside, natural and cultural heritage, sustainable tourism, Ljubljana Marshes

Bicycle in Europe

TExTOUR — Social Innovation and TEchnologies for sustainable growth through participative cultural TOURism

The aim of the project:

The goal of TExTOUR is to sustainably integrate cultural heritage, tourism activities and local communities for a greener environment, a healthier economy and happier people.


cultural heritage, cultural tourism, sustainability

Bicycle in Europe

Urban sustainable development in the 21st century - assessment of key factors, planning approaches and environmental relationships

The aim of the project:

• Overview of theory, methodologies for evaluating and implementing sustainable urban development in a global, European and national context
• Developing a methodology for assessing sustainable urban development suitable for the Slovak Republic, using qualitative and quantitative indicators that equally represent all dimensions of sustainable development.
• Developing the concepts of nature-friendly solutions and green infrastructure for SR conditions
• Developing the procedures for assessing green infrastructure functions and ecosystem services in cities
• Applying the results of the theoretical and methodological part of the project in selected cities.


Urban sustainable development, Agenda 2030, Green infrastructure, Spatial planning, Climate change adaptation

Bicycle in Europe

Znojmo zadax

The aim of the project:

The project aims to support local entrepreneurs and to increase the number of visitors to cultural monuments in Znojmo, which was affected by the impacts of restrictions related to the Covid19 epidemic in 2020/2021.


Znojmo, tourism, culture


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation under grant agreement no. 870644

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