1. 03. 09. 2019 - CPU in Nitra is a participant of the HORIZON 2020 program
UKF je riešiteľom programu HORIZON 2020
Basic information about international project, its aims, cooperation between 15 teams and CPU team members.
2. 11. 10. 2019 – CPU in Nitra and the European Cultural Route of St. Cyril and Methodius
UKF a Európska kultúrna cesta sv. Cyrila a Metoda
Peter Ivanič and Hilda Kramáreková participate in the project "Partnership and active institutional networks of the Cyril and Methodius Trail in the Moravian-Slovak borderland" of the Interreg SVK-CZ program. Its aim is to revitalize the Cyril and Methodius route and ensure its sustainability for the future by implementing specific activities that will contribute to the attractiveness of the journey and provide experiences for tourists or pilgrims.
3. 16. 12. 2019 - European Cultural Route of St. Cyril and Methodius
Európska kultúrna cesta sv. Cyrila a Metoda
The final conference of the project „ Partnership and active institutional network of the Cyril and Methodius Trail in the Moravian-Slovak borderland ”of the Interreg SVK-CZ program took place in the important pilgrimage site of Velehrad. Information about begining of tourist road signing of this culture road in Nitra.
4. CPU in Nitra is a participant of the HORIZON 2020
UKF je riešiteľom Horizon 2020
In: Náš čas (CPU university journal) No. 8, Vol. XXIII (2019)
Basic information about international project, its aims, cooperation between 15 teams and CPU team members.
5. 04. 02. 2020 – The SPOT project of Horizon 2020 is starting
Projekt SPOT programu Horizont 2020 začína
Information about introductory meeting on a project „Social and Innovative Platform On Cultural Tourism and its potential towards deepening Europeanization (SPOT)“ from the prestigious Horizon 2020 grant program took place at Mendel University in Brno.
6. European Cultural Route of St. Cyril and Methodius
Európska kultúrna cesta sv. Cyrila a Metoda
In: Náš čas (CPU university journal) No. 2, Vol. XXIV (2020).
Basic information about contribution of the CPU to the creation of the European Cultural Route of St. Cyril and Methodius
7. Website „Let's pilgrime without borders“
Putujme bez hranic
Participation of SPOT team members (Peter Ivanič, Hilda Kramáreková, Alfred Krogmann) in the creation of website content and promotional materials.
1. Event „Nitra, milá Nitra“
On the city website basic information about urban cultural festival with St. Cyril and Methodius
Tradition with participation of SPOT team members (Peter Ivanič, Hilda Kramáreková, Alfred
2. Cultural Route of St. Cyril and Methodius
Cyrilometodská cesta
On the city website basic information about Cultural Route of St. Cyril and Methodius
3. St. Jacob Route
Svätojakubská cesta
On the city website basic information about Cultural Route of St. Jacob.
4. 6. 7. 2020 – The Cyril and Methodius pilgrimage took place for the fourth time
Cyrilo-metodské putovanie sa konalo už štvrtýkrát
Information about participation of SPOT team member (Peter Ivanič) on the event.
1. Conference - 14. 10. 2020 - 28th International Geographical Conference „Geographical Aspects of Central Europe - Creativity of Regions“
Publication activity of SPOT team members, especially of the CPU, is expected
Cooperation between the Municipal Office in Nitra and the CPU is being prepared:
1. project of Nitra city as European capital city of culture in 2026 – press release on:
On the city website is press release with information about participation of the CPU in Nitra in
this process.
2. participation of the CPU in Nitra in Culture life survey – press release on:
On the city website is press release with information about its importance in relation to the project of Nitra city as European capital city of culture in 2026
3. A unique series of books on the transformations of the city of Nitra is starting to be published
Začína vychádzať unikátna séria kníh o premenách mesta Nitra
In nine volumes it offers a comprehensive view of how the time has hit all corners of Nitra, some of which do not even exist today.