On behalf of IGAR team, Bianca Mitrică attended an important online event - the European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) - the biggest annual Brussels-based meeting dedicated to cohesion policy, which was held between 11 and 15 October 2021. This event provided a unique communication and networking platform, bringing together regions and cities from all over Europe, including politicians, administrators, experts and academics to promote policy learning and the exchange of good practice.
Within this broad event, within the Session #EURegionsWeekUniversity – Border regions as living spaces, Bianca Mitrică delivered a presentation based on the SPOT project results entitled: Sustainable tourism as development factor in Romanian border regions. Authors: Bianca Mitrică, Paul Șerban, Irena Mocanu, Radu Săgeată, Ines Grigorescu, Nicoleta Damian, Monica Dumitrașcu.