The 13th of September, a part of the #SPOTprojectH2020 Consortium will meet in Alba, Piedmont, Italy, hosted by the UNIVR team. IGAR, IOER, KRTK, MENDELU, NITRA, UAberdeen, UAegean, UWR, Wageningen and UNIVR teams will discuss the multiplicity of connotations of what “cultural” is in the SPOT comprehension of tourism, focusing on the landscape, its products, and its intangible representations. The scientific seminar will be introduced by the keynote speech of Professor Mike Robinson from Nottingham Trent University (UK) who will talk about Opening-up Culture for Tourists: Context, Curation and Communication. SPOT scholars will briefly present their case studies from the landscape point of view and from the multiplicity of disciplines that the SPOT Consortium covers. In the afternoon, the Seminar will listen to SPOT Italian case study’s stakeholders who are invited to show their experiences of cultural tourism. This active territory will present the participatory processes, research activities, tourism management, the cultural sector successes and gaps, and the continuous expansion of the agro-tertiary sector in the area, pointing at the intangible value of the area of Langhe, Monferrato and Roero. Thanks to Luca Mori Lorenzo Migliorati Here the full programme:
#SPOTprojectH2020 #spotprojecth2020 #Horizon2020 #H2020 #EUcommission #universityofverona #univr #culturaltourism #creativetourism #innovativetourism #sociologyoftourism #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #langhemonferratoroero #visitlmr #visitpiemonte #paesaggivitivinicoliunesco #BeppeFenoglio #CesarePavese #LAMORO #UNESCOcreativecity #cerettowinery #Sbarbatelle #landscape #wine #winelover #culturalheritage #intangibleculturalheritage