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SPOT Urban Tourism Perspectives

End of May 2021 researchers from four partner universities of the Horizon 2020 project SPOT established SPOT Urban Tourism Perspectives (SPOT UTP) thematic group. The aim of the group is to address the development and management of cultural tourism in selected European cities at a transnational level. The thematic group connects researchers from University of Barcelona, University of Ljubljana, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and University of Tallinn. Firstly, thematic groups will build on the existing research done within the project. Secondly, the group will do some additional research, specific to the new realities of cultural tourism in urban areas. We will keep you posted about the results of the collaboration!

Raziskovalci Oddelka za krajinsko arhitekturo so se z raziskovalci s treh partnerskih univerz pri projektu SPOT (Obzorja 2020) ( povezali v tematsko skupino perspektive mestnega turizma, angleško »Urban Tourism Perspectives« (SPOT UTP). Skupaj bodo na mednarodni ravni obravnavali razvoj in upravljanje kulturnega turizma v izbranih evropskih mestih. Tematsko skupino sestavljajo raziskovalci Univerze v Ljubljani, Univerze v Barceloni, Univerze Konstantina filozofa v Nitri in Univerze v Talinu. Najprej bo delo tematske skupine izhajalo iz obstoječih projektnih aktivnosti, kasneje pa bo opravljena tudi dodatna analiza novih podob kulturnega turizma v mestnih območjih. Vabimo, da sledite objavam rezultatov sodelovanja predstavljene tematske skupine!

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