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Image by Lukas Bato



The acient Nitra, a town of 78 489 inhabitants (1.1.2022), is situated in the south-western part of Slovakia, at the bottom of the Zobor peak and on the banks of the river Nitra. The area of the city is 100,45 km² and is currently the fifth largest city in Slovakia.  It represents a natural center of the Ponitrie region as well as of the whole south-western Slovakia. It is center of the Nitra county and seat of the Nitra bishopric and two universities. The farable location at the crossing of acient roads – the river Nitra and the bottom of Tribeč predestined this place for origination of a settlement. Nitra played a key role in the history of the Great Moravian Kingdom and of the young Hungarian kingdom.

The territory of the town is attractive also because of the contrast between the lowland of the basin and the mountain country of the Carpathian massif, wchich is represented by the Tribeč (Mts.) and their offshoots into Danube lowland. Nitra was a symbol of historical values and traditions for the slovak nation. This important strategic point at the southern bottom of the Zobor peak was repeatedly of key importance in the history of central Europe.


Good practices:

Musica Nostra Nitriensis

Nitra, Dear Nitra - Conference

Nitra, Dear Nitra – Exhibitions

National Festival of Christian Theater Gorazdov Močenok

Open Day at Nitra Castle

Nitra, Dear Nitra... Pribina and Cyril and Methodius Festivities

Pribina's Nitrawa

In the Footsteps of St. Cyril and Methodius from Dražovce via Zobor to Nitra

A Meeting with Great Moravia

Urban sustainable development in the 21st century - assessment of key factors, planning approaches and environmental relationships

The ZOBOR Hills educational trail

Experiential events at Zobor Monastery

Policy Brief:

Martinský Hill Area (Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra, Slovakia) (also available in Slovak)

Cultural tourism in urban areas

Peer-reviewed articles:

  • Petrikovičová, L., Krogmann, A., Fialová, D., Svorad, A. (2019). Intensive tourist-related urbanisation impacts on a mountain village: The case study of Veľká Lomnica in Slovakia. In. Geographia Polonica. 2019, 92(4), p. 395-408,

  • Krogmann, A., Mróz, F., Dvořáková Líšková, Z., Dubcová, A., Nemčíková, M., Oremusová, D. (2020). Possibilities for Developing Beer Routes in Slovakia. Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society. 34 (3) 2020. p. 36–52. ISSN 2080–1653.

  • Nemčíková, M., Krogmann, A., Oremusová, D., Ambrosio, V., Mróz, F. (2020). Sts. Cyril and Methodius and Their Reflection in the Landscape of Slovakia, 2020. In. Konštantínove listy, [Constantine’s Letters], 13(1), p. 224-236,

  • Oremusová, D., Krogmann, A., Nemčíková, M., Némethová, J. (2020). Využiteľnosť potenciálu Oravského hradu v rozvoji. Jihlava: Vysoká škola polytechnická, 2020. p. 165-175, ISBN 978-80-88064-46-6.

  • Hladká, A., Petrikovičová, L. (2020). Transformácia kultúrnej krajiny a jej využitie pri tvorbe náučného chodníka Bošáckou dolinou. In. Geografické Informácie, 24(2), ISSN 1337-9453,

  • Kramáreková, H., Ivanič, P., Palenčíková, Z., Krogmann, A., Petrikovičová, L., Vilinová, K., Petrovič F., Grežo, H. (2020). Stratégia rozvoja kultúry, kreatívneho priemyslu a kultúrneho cestovného ruchu v Nitre na roky 2021-2031 / Strategy for the development of culture, creative industry and cultural tourism in Nitra for years 2021-2031 : návrhová časť / part of proposals. Nitra : Mestský úrad, 2020.  45 s.

  • Dysková, S., Petrikovičová, L., Roubalová, M. (2021). The Growth of Tourism and Its Impact on the Protected Areas of Iceland. In: Ad Alta: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 11(1), pp. 402-407,

  • Krogmann, A., Ivanič, P., Kramáreková, H., Petrikovičová, L., Petrovič, F., Grežo, H. (2021). Cultural Tourism in Nitra, Slovakia: Overview of Current and Future Trends. Sustainability, 13(9):5181,

  • Krogmann, A., Petrikovičová, L., Kramáreková, H. (2021). Perception of tourism events in the city of Nitra by their visitors. In: Klímová, V., Žítek, V. (eds.). 24th international colloquium, Brno 1.-3. 9. 2021. Brno: Masaryk university, pp. 237-244,

  • Kramáreková, H., Petrikovičová, L., Krogmann, A., Grežo, H. (2022). The pandemic as a challenge for the diversification of tourism. Source: Tourism Culture & Communication Publisher: Cognizant Communication Corporation


  • Vaishar, A., Šťastná, M., Kramáreková, H. (2022). Moravian-Slovak Borderland: Possibilities for Rural Development, Sustainability, 14(6), 3381,

  • Krogmann, A., Kramáreková, H., Nemčíková, M., Oremusová, D. (2022). Dynamics of tourism indicators in Slovakia in the years 2016-2020. Proceedings of the 16the International Conference Topical issues of tourism, pp. 176-185, file:///C:/Users/lucia/Downloads/Conference%20Proceedings%202016.pdf

  • Oremusová, D., Nemčíková, M., Petrikovičová, L., Kramáreková, H., Krogmann, A. (2022). Development of municipalities in the Nitra Diocese in the context of religious tourism. Proceedings of the 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences, pp. 391-399.

  • Petrikovičová, L., Petrikovič, J., Wittlinger, L. (2022). Covid-19 Pandemic Reflection on Tourism and Tour Operators. Proceedings of the 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences, pp. 320-328.

  • Ivanič, P. (2022). Relics of St. Constantine-Cyril in Slovakia. In Konštantínove listy [Constantine’s Letters] 15/2, 106-126.

  • Krogmann, A., Kramáreková, H., Petrikovičová, L., Grežo, H. (2022). Remeselné pivovary na Slovensku a ich potenciál pre rozvoj cestovného ruchu / Craft breweries in Slovakia and their potential for tourism development (poster and abstract). In: Česká a slovenská geografie: mezinárodní tradicí a mezinárodní relevancí: sborník abstraktů. Olomouc: UP, 2022. ISBN 978-80-244-6178-6, s. 190,

  • Judák, V., Petrikovičová, L., Akimjak, A. (2022). Religious Tourism on the Example of Nation Pilgrim Places in Slovakia (Patronages of the Virgin Mary). Journal of Education Culture and Society, 13(2), 615–630.

  • Ivanič, P., Kramáreková, H., Hetényi, M. 2021. Modern dimensions of Sts. Cyril and Methodius and their heritage in Slovakia. Kirilo-metodievski studii = Cyrillo-methodian studies = Kirillo-metodievskie studii. eJournal/eMagazine. BAN: Sofija (in print)

  • Ivanič, P., Kramáreková, H., Krogmann, A., Grežo, H.,  Petrikovičová, L. (2022). Potential of the European Cultural Route of St. Cyril and Methodius for the development of cultural tourism. In. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage (in print)


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